
Mental Health and Our Children

It seems like everyday we are reading, watching, hearing about a child or young adult that goes off the rails and hurts himself/herself or others. Meanwhile, when asked by friends relatives acquaintances they say I knew this was going to happen I could see this happening. Social media posts, website visits, dress, demeanor all point to someone that is not mentally stable. There are going to be arguments but I think this says it pretty well. I learned of this when I was taking an epidemiology class in college. Ronald Reagan also stated his reason for doing so  https // Also a very good read Deinstitutionalization and Mass Murders Could deinstitutionalization have contributed to the rise of mass shootings? Since 1976, there has been an average of 20 mass murders a year. J. Reid

Try and get some Sunshine for SAD

     With most of the country in a self describe "deep Freeze" it can be hard and or challenging  to do things like get some sunshine. There is a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a   mood disorder  in which people who have normal mood   throughout most of the year exhibit  depressive  symptoms at the same time each year, most commonly in the winter.  People may sleep too much or have little energy.  The condition in the summer can include heightened anxiety. Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression thats related to changes in seasons. SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, making you feel tired, sapping your energy and making you feel moody.  It can in extreme cases cause depression in the spring or early summer. Keep a healthy diet that includes multivitamins to supplement  vitamins D and C. If you can get outs

Get up go for a walk.....they say

Walking is a great way to exercise for those suffering with fibromyalgia. If you can convince yourself to walk for 30 minutes three times a week, you will reap the health benefits of added activity. When you struggle with fibromyalgia, getting out of the house and going for a walk can be challenging. It isn't simply go for a walk. It is move, get dressed, put on walking attire; which involves moving arms and legs in awkward painful positions, which means more pain. It involves bending over putting on shoes...pant pant. It involves getting yourself socially ready in case you run into someone you know on your walk or God forbid someone you know drives and shouts hello. Which on a good day is welcome. But this may not be a good day. You may not be feeling social on most days. For someone suffering with fibromyalgia the struggle to be social and get out can be overwhelming. Here a some helpful tips for your walk. 1. Get a pair of stretchy pants (aka yoga pants)  2. Slip on shoes (I s

Why Your Health Matters

It has been an amazing spring season so far. The valley has received much needed rain, the trees and flowers are doing what they do best, entertaining us with their timeless beauty. How do you feel on a warm sunny day with new life everywhere around you. The way you feel and react to what you see, feel, touch and hear affects your health. Your health matters because you matter.  I want to help you get on your way to feeling your best, no matter what season of life you are in.

New Fibromyalgia blog

Going to start a new blog about Fibromyalgia and things that I do to make myself feel better. Maybe you will feel better too. I have been living with fibromyalgia for 10 years. I have tried just about everything under the sun to help make myself feel better. This I know for sure: I know my body better than anyone else. No one knows how I feel unless I tell them I have learned to be my own health advocate. If people don't believe you then that's their problem. I can make bad days better and really bad days tolerable. Lets do this together. Tell what you know for sure about yourself and your condition.